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'A Revolution Well Done' - Cenk After Mubarak Steps Down In Egypt


Temat: Społeczeństwo i nauki społeczne

One final note for you tonight, as you see the history unfold before your very eyes I
want you to keep one thing in mind. I don't know if this is a win for the American government,
they may have been early or late to the party depending on where you stand, they may have
been overly diplomatic or not diplomatic enough depending on where you stand. Our short term
interest might be furthered or endangered but that's not what I'm talking about tonight.
What happened today was a win for America, the idea of America, the idea that men and
women are endowed with certain inalienable rights. That this is not the privilege of
one country, race or religion. That the idea of freedom is universal. At our core we should
always be for democracy and the rights of man. So tonight it is about Egypt it is their
celebration but we all rejoice. A simple but courageous idea that men like Jefferson, Madison,
and Washington started, has borne fruit in the middle east hundreds of years later. Such
was the strength of those principles. I'm originally from Turkey but I call myself an
American because these are the ideas I came here for. This is why I chose to be an American.
This is why I choose to call men like John Adams and Benjamin Franklin my founding fathers.
How proud would Thomas Paine, who built our revolution with this pamphlets, have been
of the youth of Egypt who organized and spread their ideas online, and stood up to tyranny
in the streets. So tonight I believe our founding fathers are smiling down on the sons of freedom
in Egypt, on a revolution well done.
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